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The welding quality is also related to the size of the electrode head

Time:2023-08-18 18:15:05 Click:584

Electrode heads are used in welding, and there are various types and sizes of electrode heads. Choosing the size of electrode heads has a certain impact on the quality of welding. Let me explain how it affects everyone.

1. As the diameter of the electrode head increases, the current density will correspondingly decrease, leading to a decrease in the diameter of the welding nugget.

2. If the diameter of the electrode head is too small, it can cause splashing, internal splashing, deep notches, and reduced strength.

The test plate is used to check the fluctuation of welding parameters, and the weld nugget is an important basis for judging welding quality. There are certain requirements for the frequency of panel testing, specifically: a) at least four times a day (during the opening and each rest period); b) Before and after grinding the electrode; c) After repairing the welding machine.

By using a test panel for testing, it can be seen that the size of the electrode head still has a certain impact on the quality of welding. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to choose a suitable electrode head size for welding.